Fraction to Decimal Chart

In the fraction to decimal chart shown below, we have all the fraction up through tenths. Please note that only fractions in lowest terms (completely reduced) are listed. If you are looking for the decimal conversion for 2/4, then you must first reduce this fraction to 1/2. From there you can see that 1/2 = .5.

Numbers that have two periods after them, like ".33.." are repeating decimals. The two periods

indicate that the last number will be repeated infinitely. A dash after a number, like "1/7 = .14285-" indicates that this number continues after the 5, but it does not repeat in that pattern.

1/2 = .5
1/3 = .33.. 2/3 = .66..
1/4 = .25 3/4 = .75
1/5 = .2 2/5 = .4 3/5 = .6 4/5 = .8
1/6 = .166.. 5/6 = .833.
1/7 = .14285- 2/7 = .28571- 3/7 = .42857- 4/7 = .57142- 5/7 = .71428- 6/7 = .85714-
1/8 = .125 3/8 = .375 5/8 = .625 7/8 = .875
1/9 = .11.. 2/9 = .22.. 4/9 = .44.. 5/9 = .55.. 7/9 = .77.. 8/9 = .88..
1/10 = .1 3/10 = .3 7/10 = .7 9/10 = .9


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