Free Fraction Worksheets

Practice all your fraction skills with GradeA's selection of free fraction worksheets. And if you need help, we also provide all the rules of fractions on our free fractions lessons page.

The worksheets are listed by operations. Each worksheet can be accessed by clicking the link highlighted in blue. The worksheets open as .pdf files, so make sure that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

Worksheet topics:


Please feel free to download or print as many of the free fraction worksheets as you like. We also offer free algebra worksheets and free geometry worksheets.

Adding Fractions Worksheets


Subtracting Fractions Worksheets


Multiplying Fractions Worksheets
  • Practice A - A selection of multiplication problems all containing 2 fractions.
  • Practice B - More practice multiplying two fractions together.
  • Practice C - A collection of more difficult problems - they now contain 3 and 4 fractions being multiplied at the same time.
  • Practice D - More practice multiplying several fractions together.
  • Mixed Numbers: Practice A - A series of problems that multiplies fractions with mixed numbers
  • Mixed Numbers: Practice B - A more difficult set of problems that now sometimes multiplies mixed numbers with mixed numbers.
Dividing Fractions Worksheets
Equivalent Fractions Worksheets


All Fraction Skills Worksheets
  • Operations: Practice A - A series of problems that asks the user to add, subtract, multiply, or divide fractions.
  • Operations: Practice B - Another free fraction worksheet that allows the user to practice all of the arithmetic skills.


Were you able to answer all the questions in the free fraction worksheets? If you need some help, don't worry, GradeA can help. You can learn all the skills and concepts you need at our free fraction help page.

For other great worksheets, return to free printable math worksheets. or for other great resources, return home.


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