Decimal to Fraction Calculator

GradeA makes converting a decimal to a fraction easy with our decimal to fraction calculator. Remember, only use our free online math calculators if you already know how to solve the problems by hand. Otherwise, view our page on converting decimal to fraction.


Note: this calculator requires Adobe Flasher Player 10 or higher to play.

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Looking to work in reverse? Try our fraction to decimal calculator instead.

Directions: How to use the free decimal to fraction calculator

The text "0." is already shown in the decimal input box. Do note delete this text! Simply continue your decimal from there. For example, if you have the decimal .35 that is the same as 0.35 - so enter 0.35.

Once you've entered your decimal, hit calculate. In the fraction box you will see your decimal converted to a simplified fraction. In this example, you see "7/20" because 7/20 is the most simplified fraction equivalent to 0.35.


How the Decimal to Fraction Calculator Works

Here is a brief description of how this calculator works. Again, make sure you know the mathematics before relying on any calculator too much.

The calculator identifies the number of digits you input - that is why it is important that you leave the "0." at the beginning of your number so the calculator can recognize it.

Then, it takes the number of digits and adds that many zeros at the end of the number "1." So again, if you entered 0.35, it would add two zeros at the end, giving you the number 100. This number becomes the denominator of the fraction.


The numerator is simply whatever number you input - in our example, the numerator is 35. So our beginning fraction is 35/100. The next step is to reduce this numer to lowest terms. The calculator uses a little different process than you and I might to reduce fractions to lowest terms. It actually starts with the numerator and checks to see if both numbers can divide by that number. If it can, then it does the division and gives us the answer. If it can't, it reduces the numerator by 1 and then tries again...repeating this process until it finds a number it can divide both numbers by evenly. In our example, the dividing number is 5. When you divide 35 and 100 both by 5 you end up with 7/20 - our answer!


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